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Article: Watch out for fashion faux pas!

Attention aux fashion-faux-pas ! - Loëla
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Watch out for fashion faux pas!

Watch out for fashion faux pas!

As in many fields, the fashion world follows a number of principles. It's all about balance, both in the choice of clothes and in the combination of colors, shapes, patterns and materials. Since not everyone is necessarily a fashion pro, it is not uncommon to commit a few fashion faux pas, without doing so on purpose. But what is it really about? What are the fashion faux pas that you absolutely have to avoid to ruin your look? The answers in the following lines…

The fashion faux pas, what you need to know

What exactly is a fashion faux pas?

The fashion faux pas, by definition, are the biggest clothing sins that should not be committed when composing your outfit. In addition to errors described as "classic" such as wrinkled and badly ironed clothes, the bra strap that overflows, flesh-colored tights and leggings which are unforgivable fashion faux pas according to Cristina Cordula or the white sneakers that are no longer, but have turned yellow or become dull over the years, some mistakes deemed unforgivable in the fashion world even deserve the intervention of the fashion police. Whatever your style of dress and the originality of your look, just one small fashion faux pas could simply ruin your outfit.

How to avoid fashion faux pas?

fashion faux pas are quite easy to avoid. The first thing to do will be to take the time to check that your clothes are perfectly clean. You also need to make sure that the clothes you choose fit properly. Unless you are a real expert in outfit composition, and know the principles that govern the world of fashion at your fingertips, it would be better not to get into the associations of pieces, colors and hazardous materials, at the risk of obtaining a result that is anything but chic and elegant. Also dress seasonally, depending on the weather and circumstances. Today, it is not always easy to find your way through the endless choice of clothes from new fashion trends. To avoid any type of fashion faux pas, always choose pieces that suit you and that enhance your figure.

Choosing the wrong clothes

Not valuing your morphology

Not dressing according to your morphology is a huge mistake and the first of the fashion faux pas ! To avoid dressing haphazardly, and emphasizing unsightly shapes instead of highlighting your assets, then it is always advisable to choose clothes adapted to your figure. For an H-shaped morphology, favor among other things low-cut tops as well as pieces that emphasize the hips. Light and flowing materials that follow the shapes as well as tight skirts close to the body will be the best allies of an X morphology. For an A morphology, extravagant and flashy pieces are authorized for the upper body, in order to rebalance with the bottom and avoid fashion faux pas.On the other hand, for a V silhouette, feminine and sophisticated cuts are essential to highlight the legs and erase the contrast with the broad shoulders Finally, for an O morphology, straight cut pieces of clothing will highlight the curves luscious with elegance.

Neglecting basic pieces

We will never stop repeating it: basics occupy an important place in women's wardrobes. Not having one is simply an unforgivable fashion faux pas. It is therefore basic and timeless pieces of clothing which are easy to wear and which are at the same time comfortable, such as the white shirt, the leather jacket, the pleated trousers which you will easily find on or the jeans which highlights your silhouette. Both sober and elegant, they accompany sophisticated pieces with an original cut for a harmonious and balanced outfit without fashion faux pas.

Dressing mistakes

Not paying attention to the dress code

Not paying attention to the dress code is a fashion faux pas to avoid. Whatever the occasion, it is always essential to dress according to the dress code, especially when it is a formal event. Among other things, you will avoid overdressing and being much more glamorous than necessary during a serious event. So as not to fall into a fashion faux pas, take the time to inform yourself about the dress code to adopt, so that you can identify the ideal outfit. This will help you dress appropriately, without going overboard.

Falling into vulgarity and “copying and pasting” celebrities

For any fashionista and fashion enthusiast, it's always important to show off your best assets, in order to be both sexy and feminine. On the other hand, in some cases, the border between being sexy and vulgar is sometimes very fine. To avoid ruining your look and falling into the fashion faux pas, among other things, avoid wearing a plunging neckline or sky-high heels with a mini-skirt. Pair your beautiful thigh-high boots with a sweater dress or a flowing dress bought on, and especially not with a mini-skirt. Reproducing identical celebrity looks is also a fashion faux pas. Blogs, outfits spotted on your favorite stars and catwalks are meant to inspire you, but are not meant to be foolishly copied. To play with fashion, start by adopting a clothing style that suits you.

Not matching colors and patterns correctly

fashion faux pas

Matching clothes and accessories

Matching your clothes and accessories is a “has-been” habit that you absolutely must avoid. Wearing a yellow top, with yellow shoes, a yellow bag and yellow earrings is anything but modern. To avoid such a fashion faux pas that memorizes the outfit, you simply have to mismatch. Awaken, for example, your sober and elegant look with a handbag in flashy colors, and vice versa. The principle remains valid in terms of make-up. Avoid matching makeup with your sweater or pants at all costs. Instead, prefer a make-up that highlights the color of your eyes and enhances your complexion.

Too much information about an outfit

Having a lot of information about the same outfit is a fashion faux pas par excellence Admittedly, getting away from classic looks by mixing materials and colors for an original result is very tempting, but above all, you have to avoid dress mistakes that age and make you look like a Christmas tree. If you want to combine several patterns, simply choose those that are in the same color tones. By dint of always being trendy over the years, the leopard print is on the way to becoming a great classic. This is therefore not a reason to wear it in total look. You will thus fall into a catastrophic fashion faux pas. The best way to bring out this print is to wear it in small touches, on a handbag, on a coat or on your boots, with basic colors.

Not giving importance to the quality of clothing and accessories

Poor quality clothes

Poor quality clothes are simply great fashion faux pas.Any fashion lover knows, it's better to invest in a quality piece or two than you You will find, among other things, on only in a multitude of clothes at very low prices and of poor quality. Result of the races, because of the questionable materials and cuts, you will easily find yourself in a look that looks cheap. So avoid shops that do not meet European standards in terms of quality and size, and instead favor shops known for the quality of their clothes such as and you will escape the fashion faux pas.

Give in to counterfeiting

Counterfeiting is without doubt one of the worst enemies of true fashion enthusiasts. In addition to harming the work of designers who strive to offer elegant, feminine and modern clothing pieces, accessories and counterfeit clothing are nothing stylish. They will simply serve to discredit your look and make you fall into a classic fashion faux pas. If you cannot afford a handbag from a major luxury brand, then simply turn to a brand that offers authentic and quality pieces like

As surprising as it may be, no one is safe from an unfortunate fashion faux pas, but by respecting a certain number of "rules" and principles , it is quite possible to do without it. If some of them are sometimes tolerable, even made on purpose to bring a touch of originality to the outfit in an elegant and sophisticated way, others are simply unacceptable, for the simple and good reason that they break the balance. of the outfit. Head over to without delay to get quality fashion pieces that will enhance your silhouette and that will allow you to create looks that are modern, stylish and trendy, without any fashion faux pas !


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